You may (or may not) have noticed that for a littleĀ less than two months, theĀ URL I have used for the past eight years,, didn’t…
Books, News and Views
You may (or may not) have noticed that for a littleĀ less than two months, theĀ URL I have used for the past eight years,, didn’t…
Coming from a background of covering high school and college sports, the idea of writing with a deadline in mind is essentially beaten into your head. And it all makes sense. You know that at a certain point in the evening, the section has to get laid out and the paper has to go to print. Unless you’re working on something that absolutely, positively has to wait, you have to get it done, or you’re in trouble.
I’ve been seeing articles and blog postings pop up with a bit more frequency in recent week regarding the emergence of the New Adult genre,…
When I take a look at some of the things I written, blogged, Tweeted, etc. over the past four months regarding my latest fiction project,…
You thought I gave up, didn’t you? Of course not. After all, we are talking about Flagrant Foul… And, as such, in what seems to…
Marketing books is full of all kinds of small, tactical errors, especially when doing it on your own. This, however, may be the worst… For…