This shouldn’t really surprise anyone.
As I continue to stare at a blank screen where a chapter of Unwritten should be, I have come to the realization (as if it wasn’t already realized in my April 20th post!) that there’s really no chance in hell that Stories from the Forester: Volume 1 will be completely ready for public consumption on June 21, 2009, as promised.
But fear not. While visions of other stories and other projects continue to race through my head (albeit not the screen!), I won’t be giving up on getting Volume 1 done and ready for the masses! So, instead of canceling, I have bumped up the release date to July 25, 2009!
In the meantime, folks, I’m really looking to do this one right, and in order to do that, I’m going to try and get’s Published by You option. However, as you know, that requires money; money that I currently don’t have.
So, with that, I’m going to go ahead and ask for your help!
To keep from having the push my release date and further, please go ahead and purchase a copy of Flagrant Foul, available for the special Web site price of $19.99! Click on the link on the side bar to buy it! Of, if you have an Amazon Kindle or Kindle app for your iPhone, please buy Dilemma, available for only $0.99! Click here to purchase!
Thank you, and wish me luck!
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