Before you keep reading, go ahead and search for Flagrant Foul on any other book site besides Amazon…
Now, if you found it somewhere else, you clearly have been eyesight than I do.
For months, since I slapped an ISBN on the Foul as part of Published by Lulu, I at least figured that the cycle would have come around where it would be all over the place.
And then I came to a startling discovery.
One of the indie bookstores I follow on Twitter pointed out that it wasn’t on their database, Indiebound. That led me to check around to some of the other stores.
Barnes & Noble? No.
Borders? No.
Books-A-Million? No.
While I don’t doubt there’s a way to try and get Flagrant Foul onto their site and the Indiebound database, I have yet to find it. Most sites like this don’t necessarily come with a step-by-step instruction manual. And the question I sent to Indiebound has, at current, gone unanswered.
So, what’s the deal? I can’t believe that only showing up on Amazon is my penance for not having the $99.95 to shell out for my own ISBN.
Can it?
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