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Early Adopters vs. Target Audience

You always wonder if you’ve made the right move.

With the advent of devices like the Amazon Kindle and the Sony Reader, and with news of another competitor, Plastic Logic. projected to come to market next year, it’s no real secret that authors like myself are slowly but surely trying to latch on.

Amazon’s made it the simplest by allowing authors to self-publish their work using their Digital Text Platform site or, in another end-around, using Mobipocket, which was snapped up by Amazon in 2005, most likely as a precursor the the development of the Kindle.

But the early adopters, are they really my demographic?

Amazon hopes so.

BusinessWeek had this story about Amazon prepping for the next version of the currently-bulky Kindle and how the company’s gunning for the college crowd. They’re banking on the same crowd who gobbled up iPods and iPhones like they were going out of style will find the new Kindle a viable alternative to the hundreds of dollars in books they’re currently lugging around.

For me, however, this prospect, which may include a price drop from the current $359 down to as low as $249, doesn’t necessarily benefit me now.

So what shall become of Flagrant Foul and Dilemma? Oh, they’ll be there…

…and maybe a couple of additional Kindle Books along with them, perhaps?

Published inamazon kindledilemmaflagrant foulplastic logicsony reader

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