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The Lauren Conrad Book Deal (Because I HAD to Say Something!)

Even as I posted my last entry about the New York Magazine article and how the publishing business is fixing to change around, I had this in the back of my head. And I’m sure it also sticks in the craw of some of you other Questers.

About a week and a half ago, alleged celebrity Lauren Conrad, whose mere presence is endemic of what’s truly wrong with television these days and who, to noone’s knowledge, has ever wrote a story in her life, got a three-book deal from HarperCollins. This is an odd move by a publisher that, according the the New York Magazine article, is trying to reinvent itself with its HarperStudio imprint.

Her subject matter? The L.A. Candy series, as it’s been dubbed, is loosely based on her “transition from regular gal to recognizable face.”


While I personally do not write in the particular genre, I feel badly for those Questers who were already going up against Gossip Girl and Clique books and other YA items of that ilk. And with a publishing industry already tightening up ship after a ton of bombs, was this really what YA Questers wanted to hear about?

If these books can be considered literary junk food, then that would make the upcoming Lauren Conrad series Hardee’s (or Carl’s Jr., depending on your location).

Published inbook dealslauren conradyoung adult books

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