As some of you are aware, recently announced that they will now be offering their Published by Lulu Distribution Service free of charge. My guess is that this was likely a reaction to the fact that Amazon’s Createspace was doing the same thing. In a nutshell, the Published by Lulu service allows users to have an ISBN, with Lulu as the named publisher.
While this sounds quite appealing to me, since, after all, this is what my Quest is all about, I’m a little leery of the deal. This is undoubtedly the mindset of many out there. So, instead of arbitrarily dropping Flagrant Foul into this program, I’m going to test it out with another story of mine.
For those scoring at home, I have been offering the first story from the Forester series, Dilemma, as an e-book, not only through, but also through Mobipocket and Amazon for their new Kindle device. To be honest, I had never intended Dilemma to be a standalone book, rather one of two stories that I was going to enventually package together in one volume (In case you were wondering, I’m about a quarter of the way through writing the second story, Unwritten. Stay tuned!).
However, with this new development, what’s the harm in seeing what comes of it? So, after re-formatting the Word file and re-designing the front and back cover, the print edition of Dilemma will be on my doorstep later on this week for me to look over and approve.
So, we’ll see how it goes!
Hi Bob,
Love your blog man. Love your content and the name Quest for an ISBN. That was really clever. I too am an aspiring author in search of a book deal. I’ve written one novel so far and am currently working on the second. Because of all the rejection letters I’ve gotten, I’ve decided to try my hand at blogging to create some kind of buzz. Anyway, drop by sometime and give me some feedback if you don’t mind. Seems like you’ve been in the game a while and know what your talking about. And best of luck to you. Just remember us little guys when you really strike it big.